THC 2019-20 AGM, Committee Nominations and Member Update 1 of 3

1. Agenda and Summary Reports

AGM Agenda
Wednesday 15th July 2020 19:30 - 20:30 via Zoom

We've producd an advanced pack with short summary reports on the running of the section - make sure you're logged into Pitchero to be able to access.

It would be a f you've questions or comments if these could be shared in advacne - just send to to help us manage the meeting and answer as many member questions as time permits

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 873 7331 0174
Password: 453003
One tap mobile

We will NOT be presenting the full report / pack but sharing the headlines , plans moving forward and answering as many questions as we can in the time !

1. Welcome (reminder on meeting etiquette) - Shelagh Everett (Chair)
2. Apologies for Absence - submit to Rob Judd
3. Minutes of the 2019 AGM and Matters Arising (attached)
- approval and matters arising (not covered by the agenda)
4. Election of 2020-21 Officers
5. THC 2019-20 and future plans
- Introduction and Strategic Direction - Shelagh Everett
- 2020 Survey headlines and where next (action planning) - Jackie Lord
- Hockey overview - Jo Robinson (Women), Kieran Jeffery (Men) and Nisha Sathi (Academy)
- Financial Report
6. Timperley Sports Club Development - Project 18 - Shelagh Everett
7. Planning for the 2020-21 Season - Shelagh Everett
8. Open Forum - questions and answers
9. Any Other Business
10. Close and preview of the 2019-20 Season Video !

We're working hard to make sure we keep this short and snappy and interesting !


THC AGM 15th July 2020 - Agenda and Reports(2) Final


THC 2018-19 AGM Minutes 11th May 2019
